Elderflower season is upon us and what better way to make use of natures bounty than to make deliciously refreshing elderflower cordial.
How to make a Dandelion infused honey
How to create a simple, delicious Dandelion Syrup
How to make a herbal shrub and the benefits to your health
How to make a Natural Hand Sanitiser
Hand washing is the first and best line of defense against viruses but if you have to go out of the house this is not always possible. We made a big batch of natural hand sanitiser yesterday and have little bottles of it all over the place - in the house, the car, the workshop - and I thought I would share the recipe with you as it seems it cannot be bought anywhere at this stage!
How to have a Greener, more Eco Friendly Christmas
Why the Natural Deodorant Option is the best for You
From Seed to Soap....Connecting you to the Natural World
When I first decided I was going to make natural skincare products and all natural soap I knew I wanted to make products that were as absolutely natural as possible - no chemicals, no artificial colours and fragrances, no hardeners or emulsifiers - just natural products. . I also wanted to use the healing flowers that were growing in my own garden at my house, The Wrens Nest.