Choosing a soap is more than just a daily routine – it's a chance to set the mood for your entire shower experience! Here at Naturally at the Wrens Nest, I understand that.
Beyond Clean: How Essential Oils Elevate Your Daily Routine (Naturally at the Wren's Nest)
Nourish Your Skin Naturally: The Power of Plant-Based Oils and Butters in Soap
Naturally at the Wren's Nest: Unlock the Power of Calendula Oil for Glowing Skin
Nature's bounty holds an abundance of treasures for nurturing our well-being, and calendula oil is one such gem. Extracted from the vibrant calendula flower, also known as pot marigold, this golden oil boasts a multitude of properties that can significantly enhance your skin's health and appearance.
The key differences between regular deodorant and natural, plant based, deodorant.
I’m going to share with you here five key differences between regular store-bought deodorant and my natural, plant-based deodorant. These differences highlight the shift towards natural, plant-based deodorants, emphasizing a cleaner and more skin-friendly approach that may appeal to you if you are seeking an alternative to conventional deodorant with fewer synthetic additives and a focus on overall wellbeing.
Immune Boosting Nettle - Whats not to Love?
t’s that time of the year when almost everywhere you look there are green shoots and new plants pushing up through the soil. One of the very first to show up is the humble nettle (urtica dioica). Most of us will know the nettle on sight as we’ve probably had lots of experience with it down through the years, as we learned to avoid its, sometimes nasty, sting. I know myself I was aware of it from a very young age.